


このクイズはいろんな点で効果があると思います。①ヒントを聞くことがリスニング力upになる。You can see them in fall. They fly very fast. Their bodies are red.—red dragonfly  ②文化や習慣などの違いを紹介できる。When you see the green light, you can go. But when you see red light, you mustn’t go. In Japan, we call it “Blue light.” — green light ③関連した語彙を増やす。Some people think lions are dangerous, some thinks tigers are more dangerous. Some snakes are very dangerous, but some are very cute. — dangerous ④nonverbal communication。 shake hands(ジェスチャー) ⑤ヒントを出す教師の英語力&表現力upに!  This is one of the big problem in Japan. The number of these house are increasing day by day. Nobody lives the house and some are very dangerous, but we cannot destroy it because it’s difficult to find the owner of the house. —vacant house
